Effortlessly simplify the Bulk singing process for UAE businesses with Cygnature

Reading Time: 7 minutes In the fast-paced world of technology and businesses in the UAE, companies are working hard to ensure UAE digital compliance alongside increasing efficiency, automation, and accuracy in business operations and workflow. One of the critical moves’ businesses are adopting a paperless signing process by integrating electronic signature software/ bulk singing solutions specifically where there is… Continue reading Effortlessly simplify the Bulk singing process for UAE businesses with Cygnature

Discover how e-signing solution is simplifying business processes through automated workflow

Reading Time: 5 minutes In today’s digital world, businesses are dealing with an increasing volume of paperwork and documentation, leading to a demand for faster, more efficient processes. Traditional manual signing methods are time-consuming, error-prone, and not suited for the modern, remote, and fast-paced work environment. Current market scenario and challenges As businesses strive to improve efficiency, the reliance… Continue reading Discover how e-signing solution is simplifying business processes through automated workflow

How electronic signature solution boosted HR productivity at Cygnet Infotech

Reading Time: 3 minutes Electronic signature collection reduces administrative expenses for businesses by 55-78% compared to paper (source). Electronic signatures have revolutionized almost every function of an organization that had document processing in the picture. Especially the HR sector has witnessed a lot of automation and intelligent documentation with the help of electronic signatures. Almost every documentation process in… Continue reading How electronic signature solution boosted HR productivity at Cygnet Infotech

5 Best eSigning Tools for Businesses in 2023

Reading Time: 5 minutes Is document digitization on your priority list? What type of e-signing solution will be the finest for your business? Go paperless with the best of the e-signing solutions! E-signing solution helps organizations to digitalize their paperwork. It can let both the parties come together and sign the document digitally. Regardless of the type of paperwork,… Continue reading 5 Best eSigning Tools for Businesses in 2023

Laws of electronic signature in different countries in 2022

Reading Time: 4 minutes Digital signatures and electronic signatures are often used interchangeably. But these aren’t the same thing. Electronic Signature Electronic signature is a way of adding signature in PDF or word document. These are more popular compared to the digital ones as they are easy to use. With this, customers can sign documents online with just a… Continue reading Laws of electronic signature in different countries in 2022

A Summary to Our Latest e-Signing Masterclass

Reading Time: 3 minutes A successful webinar, the words that we have been listening to for a week now. We are glad that our first-ever masterclass – ‘A Guide to Electronic Signatures with blockchain Security’ was a remarkable success. We received attention from across the globe. The attendees were quite excited to learn about blockchain security and electronic signature.… Continue reading A Summary to Our Latest e-Signing Masterclass

Cygnature’s 21 CFR – How to stay compliant with 21 CFR part 11 regulation?

Reading Time: 3 minutes 21 CFR Part 11 is a federal law that requires companies to follow certain procedures when dealing with sensitive patient information. The regulations apply to healthcare providers, health plans, hospitals, pharmacies, medical device manufacturers, and other entities that handle or store protected health information (PHI).  Cygnet Infotech has been a leading IT solution provider for… Continue reading Cygnature’s 21 CFR – How to stay compliant with 21 CFR part 11 regulation?

Automated Bulk Signing: Effectuating a paperless office

Reading Time: 2 minutes If you have an inevitable need to get tons of documents signed by different departments to process daily transactions, then you must know that it can be a real pain to do everything manually by hand. Not only it is time-consuming, but it is also error-prone. Few industries where an extensive amount of paperwork and… Continue reading Automated Bulk Signing: Effectuating a paperless office

Cygnature’s e-Stamp launch – A module ensuring effortless compliance

Reading Time: 3 minutes As a credible business entity, you require staying compliant with industry-set quality and legal norms. Keeping documentation related to all sorts of operations up to date is one of the necessities to ensure compliance. In the present times, when going contactless is the new normal, e-Stamping comes as the best alternative to physical stamping. Procuring… Continue reading Cygnature’s e-Stamp launch – A module ensuring effortless compliance

Electronic signature: Everything you need to know about e-Signatures

Reading Time: 11 minutes Living in a digitally connected world entitles us to certain benefits. Today, we can get things done swiftly; businesses move at very fast paces, deals are made within seconds, bank transfers occur within the blink of an eye etc. So, how can we afford to lag when it comes to signing documents, primarily through electronic… Continue reading Electronic signature: Everything you need to know about e-Signatures

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